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Magma Unesco Global Geopark – poszukiwanie lidera projektu „AD-MIRA” w ramach programu Kreatywna Europa

2016-10-19 6:20 przez Beata Skowrońska

Zaproszenie do projektu (Program: Kreatywna Europa)

Magma Unesco Global Geopark (Norwegia) poszukuje lidera projektu „AD-MIRA”, ukierunkowanego na stworzenie wirtualnego muzeum (w technologii VR), pozwalającego digitalizować i upowszechniać obiekty europejskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego.


AD-MIRA aims to increase the visibility, fruition and accessibility to the cultural heritage in Europe within the development of the AD-MIRA methodology. AD-MIRA main goal is the development of an innovative fruition digital model focused on the discovery of the European UNESCO cultural and natural Heritage through exclusive educational digital contents adapted to the most innovative technologies available Worldwide.

AD-MIRA aims to implement with new UNESCO sites in Europe the already existing digital platform geoVR ( ) owned by Magma UNESCO Global Geopark and Doublethink. AD-MIRA develops specialized competences for the cultural managers enlarge their competences for the content’s self- implementation in the geoVr platform.

They will be able to implement the system and to guarantee the sustainability of the system after the project end. The AD-MIRA final results will allow people, including motoric disable, to travel around the World, discovering and learn simply sitting on a museum virtual station.


Link otwiera się w nowej karcie AD-MIRA project (.pdf)

Contact person

Sara Gentilini
Project manager